Happy New Year 2022 Odia Photo, New Kabita, Shayari, Quotes
Here we have a collection of happy new year Odia images, advance wish Photo messages, quotes kabita and, Shayari 2022 in the Odia Language. Kindly download and don't forget to share on Whatsapp and Facebook.
Now New Year fever set in all over Odisha. People celebrate this occasion with great enthusiasm and immense pleasure. Some people still don't know about Odia new year, which means when our year is starting. They always consider this 1st January as a new year which is actually according to the English calendar, not ours. Our Odia new year is on the eve of Mahavrishiv Sankaranti/ Pana Sankranti/ Hanuman Jayanti (14th April). There is a great difference in the celebration pattern in both new years. In the English new year, people used to throw parties or attain parties with friends or relatives and family. Some people in cities used to spend time in pubs, discos and some used to arrange or enjoy cultural events in this day. "Zero Night celebration " this word is very common for all of us now. Used to cut the cake, firecrackers, music, dance, party and not the less wishing everyone is the main motive of this day. On the day of the New year, people go to the temple for a better start in life. And then continue with other planned activities like lunch/dinner in restaurant or picnic etc. But in our Odia new year, the celebration is totally different. As this day is Sankranti and the birthday of Lord Hanuman so the effect of this day is very devotional. This day going temple worshiping Lord Shiv and Hanuman is a must. And then full of Pitha (different type of cakes) and Pana (different type of drink with milk, banana, coconut, apple, grapes like fruits and dry fruits) is the main attraction of this day. People pray for the wealth and prosperity of family, relatives, and friends.
Happy New Year 2022 Odia Shayari HD Photo
Nua Barasa Nau Sakala, Nutana Barsa ra abhinandana.
Watch here the full new year Video Song.
Lyric: Nihar Priyaashish
Music & Arrangement : Soubhagya Mishra
Singer: Asima Panda
Producer: Priya & Ashish